Making Your Monthly Social Media Content: A Beginner's Guide

Since the dawn of time, getting your product or service noticed has been crucial for attracting customers to your business. The better people know you, the more likely they are to buy from you. Whether you're a private entity or part of the public sector, the need to inform the public remains universal. From insightful blogs like those on the National Center of Safe Supportive Learning Environments to captivating Instagram reels by brands like Coca-Cola, creating content is key to staying relevant.

Let's dive into why crafting monthly social media content matters and how you can do it effectively for your business:

By following these steps, you can effectively create monthly social media content that helps boost your online presence and attract more customers to your business.

Close-up of wooden board with days of week and two sellers hanging some numbers on it in the store

1.Setting Time to Decide What to COntent to Create

Allocate 15 to 30 minutes each day to jot down all your content ideas on a piece of paper. Whether it's photos from a particular location, videos featuring specific subjects, or articles on particular topics, write down everything that comes to mind. Don't filter your ideas; let everything flow. Remember, no idea is too small or too big if executed well. You can always decide which ideas to use later on.

During this designated time, allow yourself to immerse fully in the creative process. Consider the goals of your content, your target audience, and any current trends or themes relevant to your niche. Brainstorm freely without limitations, jotting down any ideas that come to mind, whether they're fully formed concepts or mere sparks of inspiration.

Remember, this time is for exploration and experimentation. Don't feel pressured to settle on a specific idea right away. Instead, let your creativity flow and trust that the right concepts will reveal themselves in due time.

By setting aside dedicated time to decide what content to create, you're taking a proactive approach to your creative pursuits. This focused effort not only ensures that you're consistently producing quality content but also allows you to stay aligned with your overarching goals and vision.

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2.Find out what you need to finish the task.

Consider all the resources at your disposal. Maybe you've just got your hands on a brand-new phone that takes stunning photos, or perhaps your friend is a whiz with a video camera and is happy to assist whenever you need them. The key is not to limit yourself; explore every possible avenue. You might even consider posting an internship opportunity on to expand your resources further.

Once you have a clear understanding of what is needed, assess your current resources and capabilities. Determine what you already have available and what additional resources may be required to fill any gaps. This could include investing in new tools or technologies, acquiring specialized training or expertise, or enlisting the help of external partners or collaborators.

It's also important to consider any potential constraints or limitations that may impact your ability to acquire the necessary resources. This could include factors such as budgetary constraints, time constraints, or logistical challenges. Be realistic about what is feasible within your constraints and explore alternative solutions or workarounds if necessary.

By proactively identifying and obtaining the resources needed to finish the task, you set yourself up for success and minimize the risk of encountering obstacles or setbacks along the way. Taking the time to carefully plan and prepare ensures that you're well-equipped to tackle the task with confidence and achieve your desired outcomes.

Determined trainer motivating young overweight woman to come up to finish line during marathon

3.Plan when you'll finish

Planning is key to success. By breaking down your content goals and scheduling a timeline to achieve them, you can effectively manage your time and tasks. For example, you might discover that you can take 15 photos with your phone camera in an hour, create 5 videos for reels on your Android or iPhone in another hour, and write 10 blog posts in an additional hour. That's a total of 30 fresh pieces of content in just 3 hours!

Start by breaking down the task into smaller, manageable steps or milestones. Consider the complexity of the task, the resources available, and any external factors that may impact your timeline. Then, estimate the amount of time needed to complete each step, taking into account factors such as research, preparation, execution, and review.

Once you have a rough timeline in mind, set specific deadlines for each step or milestone. Be realistic and allow some flexibility for unexpected delays or setbacks. Consider prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency, and allocate your time and resources accordingly.

It's also helpful to establish checkpoints or progress reviews along the way to track your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your timeline or approach. This allows you to stay on track and address any issues or challenges as they arise, rather than waiting until the last minute.

Finally, communicate your timeline and deadlines to any stakeholders or team members involved in the task, if applicable. This ensures that everyone is aligned and aware of the expectations, and helps to foster accountability and collaboration.

By planning when you'll finish a task, you set yourself up for success by providing clarity, structure, and motivation to your efforts. It allows you to stay focused, organized, and on track towards achieving your goals within the desired timeframe.


4.Produce content while you're in the process of creating content (BTS).

Producing content while you're in the process of creating content, often referred to as "behind the scenes" (BTS), is like capturing the magic as it happens. It involves documenting the behind-the-scenes aspects of your creative process, providing audiences with a glimpse into the making of your content.

BTS content serves multiple purposes. First and foremost, it offers transparency and authenticity, allowing your audience to see the hard work, dedication, and creativity that goes into your finished products. This can help build trust and credibility with your audience, as they gain insight into your process and values.

Additionally, BTS content can be highly engaging and entertaining for your audience. It provides a unique behind-the-scenes perspective that offers value beyond the finished product itself. Whether it's showcasing funny outtakes, sharing insider tips and tricks, or highlighting the collaborative efforts of your team, BTS content can help humanize your brand and foster deeper connections with your audience.

Moreover, producing BTS content can also be a strategic way to repurpose and leverage your existing content. By capturing additional footage or photos during the creation process, you can create supplementary content that extends the lifespan and reach of your original content. This can help maximize your investment in content creation and increase your overall impact and engagement.

In summary, producing content while you're in the process of creating content (BTS) is a valuable strategy for enhancing transparency, engagement, and authenticity. By offering audiences a behind-the-scenes look at your creative process, you can build trust, entertain, and connect with your audience in meaningful ways.

African american videographer works on editing film footage at home, doing freelance contract for post production scenes

5.Define brand look graphics in post production 

If you haven't already, let's define your brand look. It involves choosing colors, fonts, templates, and style for your content. Websites like offer various templates that can give you an idea of the look you want for your brand. Remember, everything from your message to the font is perceived by your potential audience.

Defining brand look graphics in post-production is like putting the finishing touches on a masterpiece, ensuring it's uniquely yours. It involves establishing the visual identity of your brand through the use of graphics, colors, fonts, and design elements after the content creation phase.

Firstly, it's essential to understand your brand's identity, values, and target audience. This forms the foundation for defining your brand look graphics. Consider the personality and tone you want to convey through your visuals, as well as how they align with your overall brand image.

Next, focus on consistency across all your visual assets. Choose a cohesive color palette that reflects your brand's personality and resonates with your audience. Select fonts that are legible, on-brand, and complement your overall aesthetic. Establish design elements such as logos, icons, or patterns that reinforce your brand identity and help differentiate your content from competitors.

During post-production, integrate these brand look graphics seamlessly into your content. Whether it's adding branded overlays, incorporating consistent typography, or using branded transitions, ensure that every visual element reflects your brand's unique style and messaging.

Additionally, consider the platform and audience preferences when defining brand look graphics. Tailor your visuals to suit the specific requirements and formats of each platform, while maintaining consistency with your overall brand identity.

Lastly, regularly review and refine your brand look graphics to ensure they remain relevant and aligned with your brand's evolving identity and goals. Consistent visual branding across all your content helps strengthen brand recognition, build trust with your audience, and ultimately drive engagement and loyalty.

In summary, defining brand look graphics in post-production is about infusing your content with visual elements that reflect your brand's identity, values, and personality. By establishing consistency and coherence in your visuals, you can create a compelling and memorable brand experience for your audience.

phone with social media logo

6.Export wide and vertical content for multiple platforms

After creating your content, decide which channels you'll use to release it. It's best to promote across multiple platforms. When choosing platforms, consider the aspect ratios you should use (e.g., wide vs. vertical). If you're unsure about aspect ratios, Squarespace has a helpful article explaining them in detail: [Understanding aspect ratios](

Exporting wide and vertical content for multiple platforms is like tailoring a suit to fit different occasions—you want it to look its best no matter where it's worn. In the realm of content creation, this process involves preparing your visual assets in various aspect ratios to ensure they display optimally across different platforms and devices.

Wide content, typically in a landscape orientation, is well-suited for platforms like YouTube, desktop websites, and television screens. It provides a panoramic view that captures more horizontal space and is ideal for showcasing expansive scenes or detailed landscapes.

On the other hand, vertical content, in a portrait orientation, is better suited for platforms like Instagram Stories, TikTok, and mobile devices. It takes advantage of the vertical scrolling nature of smartphones, making it easier for viewers to consume content on the go.

By exporting content in both wide and vertical formats, you maximize its versatility and reach. This allows you to engage with audiences across various platforms and cater to their preferences, ultimately enhancing the visibility and impact of your content.

When exporting wide and vertical content, it's essential to maintain consistency in branding and visual style across all formats. This ensures that your content remains recognizable and cohesive, regardless of the platform it's viewed on.

Furthermore, consider the specific requirements and guidelines of each platform when exporting content. This may include aspects such as video resolution, file size limits, and recommended aspect ratios. Adhering to these specifications helps ensure that your content displays correctly and optimally on each platform.

In summary, exporting wide and vertical content for multiple platforms is about adapting your visual assets to fit the unique characteristics and requirements of different platforms and devices. By doing so, you enhance the accessibility, engagement, and effectiveness of your content, ultimately reaching a broader audience and maximizing its impact.


7.Plan when you'll share your content over the month.

Once you've finished creating your content, it's time to schedule when you'll release it to the world. Determine the best times to post for your industry, and platforms like make it easy to schedule and share your content effortlessly.

Planning when you'll share your content over the month is like mapping out a journey, ensuring you reach your destination at the right time and with maximum impact. This process involves strategically scheduling the release of your content across various platforms and channels throughout the month to engage your audience consistently and effectively.

Start by considering your content calendar and identifying key dates, events, or themes relevant to your audience or industry. These could include holidays, product launches, industry trends, or seasonal promotions. Aligning your content with these occasions can help increase relevance and engagement.

Next, determine the frequency and timing of your content posts. Consider factors such as your audience's online behavior, peak engagement times, and the algorithms of the platforms you're using. Aim for a balance between staying top-of-mind with your audience without overwhelming them with too much content.

Once you have a rough schedule in mind, consider the optimal distribution of your content across different platforms and channels. Tailor your content format and messaging to suit the preferences and behaviors of each platform's audience. For example, shorter, visually engaging content may perform better on social media platforms like Instagram, while longer-form content may be more suitable for platforms like YouTube or your blog.

It's also essential to maintain consistency in your posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and to establish trust and credibility. Whether you choose to post daily, weekly, or bi-weekly, stick to your schedule and communicate it to your audience to manage their expectations.

Lastly, be prepared to adapt and refine your posting schedule based on feedback, analytics, and changes in your audience's behavior or platform algorithms. Monitor the performance of your content regularly and adjust your posting times and frequency accordingly to optimize engagement and reach.

In summary, planning when you'll share your content over the month involves strategically scheduling the release of your content to engage your audience consistently and effectively. By aligning your content with key dates and themes, optimizing your posting schedule across platforms, and maintaining consistency, you can maximize the impact and effectiveness of your content marketing efforts.

Frantic woman with her hands on her head and sticky notes on her face and shirt

If it's too much, consider reaching out to a video production company to help with steps 1 to 7.

If you're are struggling with steps 1 - 7, you may find it helpful to let a professional photo and video production company handle your content creation while you do what you do best and that is running your business!

The key is to be consistent in delivering quality content to your target audience in a manner that is efficient and effective with delivering your message and brand values. We have plenty of resources on that will help you navigate the space of quality photo and/or video productions.

Feel free to take advantage of our free consultation call and let's discuss how we can help take your content to the next level.

In conclusion

Consistency is crucial when delivering quality content to your target audience. It's about regularly providing valuable, engaging, and on-brand material that resonates with your audience and reinforces your message and brand values. By consistently delivering high-quality content, you establish trust and credibility with your audience and keep them coming back for more.

At, we understand the importance of quality content production. That's why we offer a wealth of resources to help you navigate the world of photo and video production effectively. Whether you're looking for tips on lighting, composition, editing, or equipment, our resources provide valuable insights and guidance to elevate your content creation process.

Additionally, we offer free consultation calls to discuss how we can assist you in taking your content to the next level. Whether you need assistance with concept development, production planning, or post-production editing, our team is here to help. We'll work closely with you to understand your goals, vision, and brand identity, and tailor our services to meet your specific needs.

Don't hesitate to take advantage of our expertise and resources. Together, we can create compelling, high-quality content that captivates your audience, strengthens your brand, and drives results. Schedule a free consultation call with us today, and let's discuss how we can help you achieve your content goals.